War Robot Cheats

How to be Awesome in War Robots image
There are several bot configurations in war robots. Moreover, there is a list of the best weapons and bots of 2019 Legend league through invaluable data.

As the game is changing constantly, with the help of advanced and new automatons, These are more suitable for a particular sort of playstyle. Moreover, there are guides available for choosing ideal bot. Hence, to win the game. war robots cheats

Advanced Robots in 2019

The different players who are playing alone in Android legends league data are currently available on the basis of 150 hangers. However, there is nothing to know about the best specific and clearly used bots.

Mercury is the most commonly used automaton in the upper third of the game and 16.1% of players choose it. Moreover, Hell dive is the best ability described as a combination among descents and an overload. 

In addition, when its ability to get an eye on the eye, it gives you a different perspective. Moreover, you will be able to crash land and deal somewhere, just after one second. Hence, if the level of your robot is bigger, the damage will be more.  

The hell dive damage spreads to the radius of 50m and penetrates shields to make it more effective to the robots of Greek Ares, Hades and Nemesis, Next to the mercury, is the spectrum having 15.8%? If mercury has two light and one heavy head points. Spectrum has the ability to fight and survive.

However, imperium faction bot like this, would not cause any kind of damage during landing. Hence, the issue is that it has relatively little durability. 

At last, Hell burner attaining 10.5% popularity at third place, and its power is misused by newbie players. His smaller arm arsenal is benefitted while playing with gold spectrum and mercury with one light and one heavy head point. 

Best Weapons in 2019

As you know about the best automatons, you should also know about the best weapons. If you want to use heavy weapons that will dominate the world, you should consider your approach. Although, mostly used robots are responsible for weapons that are more popular.

The light Halo is used by 15.6% of players for writting havoc in a first place sits comfortably. This weapon is more popular because it has the ability to bypass shields completely and has a chance to immobilize the competitors in the game.